Table of Contents

  1. Availability
  2. Suitability
  3. Desirability

Ever wonder how a conference or meeting ends up where it does? What goes into determining where your meeting or conference will be? We’re diving into the key factors that shape this decision-making rollercoaster: Availability, Suitability, and Desirability. At Coherent Solutions, we specialize in securing venues that align seamlessly with your event goals. Let’s delve into the intricacies of these factors and how they shape the destination for your next gathering.

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1. Availability: Flexibility Opens Doors

The first checkpoint in the venue selection journey is availability. Ask yourself, “Are your dates flexible?” If the answer is yes, congratulations, the world is your oyster. Flexibility in timing allows your business to align with a venue’s needs, opening up options and discounts you wouldn’t have otherwise.

If flexibility is not on the menu, fear not; you’re not alone. Some events are tied to specific dates, be it a major holiday, an industry event, or a longstanding tradition. In such cases, your event is date-driven, and your decision-making process will prioritize the most suitable and desirable locations available on your specified dates.

Pro-tip for the date-driven: book early to heighten your chances of meeting suitability and desirability goals.

colourful wooden shape sorter

2. Suitability: The Non-Negotiables

Suitability is a multifaceted gem, and there’s no one-size-fits-all. Here’s a checklist to guide you through this maze:

2.1 Cost: Do the venue's costs align with your budget?

When assessing costs, it’s crucial to consider not only the space rental fees but also catering and accommodation rates (when booking at hotels). Catering menus, in particular, should be scrutinized with care. While a property might offer space and bedrooms at excellent discounts, catering menus are often less negotiable and can increase year over year.

2.2 Size: Does the venue have ample space for your group?

Venue size is a critical factor in ensuring the comfort and functionality of your event. Assess whether the venue can accommodate the size of your group and if it has enough rooms to meet your needs for breakout sessions. Additionally, consider whether the venue offers suitable accommodation options for your attendees either onsite or nearby.

2.3 Technical Specs: Can the venue support your event's technical requirements?

In the digital age, technical specifications play a crucial role in the success of events. Before finalizing a venue, assess whether it has the infrastructure to support the technical needs of your event. If top-notch wifi is critical or if your presentations require extensive AV setup, ensure that the venue can meet these requirements.

2.4 Accessibility: Is the venue accessible for attendees?

Accessibility, in all senses of the word, is a key consideration to ensure that the venue is appropriate for all attendees. Assess whether the venue is easily accessible via public transit, especially if your attendees are locals. If your event draws attendees from all over Canada, a venue located in a city with a major airport may be preferable. Crucially of course – is to consider whether the venue meets the required standards for attendees with disabilities. For example, while a heritage space may be exciting to consider – some may either be not at all accessible to wheelchair users or only offer very unpleasant access to those who can’t navigate stairs. 

2.5 Value Alignment: Do the venue's values align with yours?

In an era where corporate social responsibility is in the spotlight, aligning your event with venues that share similar values is not just a trend but a strategic move. More and more clients are prioritizing venues that value sustainable practices or feature local and indigenous suppliers. A strong alignment of values ensures that your event not only meets its objectives but also contributes positively to broader social and environmental goals.

2.6 Location, Location, Rotation: Are you considering all the options?

The location of your event can significantly impact its success, especially for meetings with a national scope. Some organizations have governance or traditions that dictate a rotation from region to region within the country. Others may follow a strict provincial rotation. Considerations like these will inevitably narrow down your options.

However, this narrowing process can be an opportunity to explore second-tier cities beyond the major centres. These cities often boast unique experiences, exciting restaurants, and natural landscapes that can add an extra layer of appeal to your event. Being open to exploring beyond the usual suspects may lead to hidden gems that captivate your attendees.

giant ice-cream sundae topped with fruit and chocolate sauce

3. Desirability: The 'X' Factor

Desirability, the ‘X’ factor, adds the finishing touch. While it might not always take centre stage, it can significantly impact attendee satisfaction and event success. Consider these subjective elements:

3.1 Group Preferences: Does your group have a preference for specific hotel chains or cities?

Understanding the preferences of your group is essential in creating an event that resonates with attendees. Some groups may have a strong preference for a certain chain of hotels, while others might be drawn to specific cities. Catering to these preferences can enhance the overall experience for attendees.

3.2 Hot Spots: Is the venue located in the latest 'hot spot,' promising excitement and attendance?

The allure of being in the latest ‘hot spot’ is undeniable. If a particular city is currently the talk of the town, choosing a venue in that location can generate excitement and increase the likelihood of attendance. Stay attuned to current trends and capitalize on the appeal of being in a trendy or sought-after destination.

3.3 Ambience: Does the venue exude an ambience that aligns with your event's goals?

The ambience of a venue sets the tone for the entire event. Consider whether the venue’s ambience aligns with the goals and theme of your event. For example, a venue with a vibrant lobby bar may create a lively atmosphere, while a venue with serene surroundings may cater to those seeking a quieter experience. The overall atmosphere should resonate with the expectations and preferences of your attendees.

3.4 Peace vs. Bustle: Understand your group's preference – do they seek quiet retreats or thrive in vibrant city life?

Every group has its unique personality, and understanding whether your attendees seek tranquillity or thrive in bustling environments is crucial. Some events may require a peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle, while others may benefit from the vibrancy of a city setting. Tailor your venue selection to align with the preferences of your specific audience.

3.5 Financial Incentives: Have you explored incentives from venues or cities to sweeten the deal?

In the competitive landscape of event planning, financial incentives can be a game-changer. Venues or cities may offer attractive incentives to secure your business. This could range from discounted rates to additional perks that add value to your event. Negotiate strategically to maximize the benefits for both parties.

3.6 Unique Experiences: Does the venue or city offer unique experiences that attendees wouldn't want to miss?

Creating memorable experiences is at the heart of successful events. Consider whether the venue or the city itself offers unique opportunities or attractions that attendees wouldn’t want to miss. This could range from exclusive tours to access to local cultural events. Providing attendees with something extraordinary enhances the overall desirability of your event.

Event Success Decoded

In conclusion, decoding event success in venue selection requires a delicate balance of availability, suitability, and desirability. Whether you’re navigating tight schedules, non-negotiable requirements, or seeking that ‘X’ factor, keeping these aspects in mind will help you orchestrate an event that not only meets expectations but exceeds them. 

But hey, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just want to kick back and enjoy the event without the stress, why not consider partnering with our conference and meeting planning firm? We can take care of your entire event or handle only the portions you feel you don’t have the time or expertise to take on yourself.

With these considerations in mind, you’re on your way to creating an unforgettable event that leaves a lasting impression on every attendee. Cheers to a successful and memorable gathering!